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Service at Sandford with Kidist Foods

I met today (June 26, 2023) with Sandford International School's Head of School, Mr. Anthony Hamilton, after placing a request to meet him with his administrative assistant a couple of weeks ago.

I said that I wished to discuss with him how Sandford's students can help me with my Kidist Foods project.

Below is the paper I prepared before I went, to make sure that I covered all my points. I read directly from this.

I will be meeting officially, over the next weeks, with a staff memeber, Daphne Innes-Smith, to work on the incorporation of the Kidist Foods Expanded Project into the Sandford International School's curriculum (outlined below, and as discussed with Mr. Hamilton today).

I've emailed these notes to Mr. Hamilton and to Ms. Innes-Smith.


Kidist Foods Expanded Project part of [Sandford's] CAS 
- Creativity, Activity, Service 

Under Service

Email and telephone contact with [two senior students]. 

We will meet to discuss their input and involvement in the summer - in July 

After they return from their summer school programs [...]

How can they get involved in the objectives of Kidist Foods [quote from the Kidist Foods website]: 

The Kidist Foods Project is to provide employment to the Addis Ababa urban women with meaningful work, related to their own past experiences as cooks for their homes, families and relatives. 

All Ethiopian women are taught at an early age to cook meals, some for day-to-day consumption, others for important festivities like Christmas and Easter. 

These women can use the skills they already possess to generate income and funds for themselves and their families. 

I am have connected [with], and continue to contact various sources:
Health and social service agencies 
Professional contacts and colleagues 
Relevant and influential individuals 
Family and friends
They can assist with: 

Financial contributions 
Professional contributions 
Professional advice 
Contacts and links


The Kidist Foods Expanded Food Project:
Ongoing, community project 
Start in Addis Ababa 
Expanded into smaller towns, and rural regions

Dedicated To: W/o Zenebework

Dedicated to my grandmother Imama Gulele, W/o Zenebework, my mother’s mother.

Kidist Foods: Sandford International School Correspondence

Below is the email correspondence I recently had with the Sandford International School staff and heads after my participation on Saturday, May 27 in the school's campus events, for the Sandford's 75th Anniversary celebrations 

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Dear Sandford Staff and Heads,

Thank you for the wonderful 75th anniversary celebrations yesterday. I was the only Sandford Alumni - North American Edition - who was present yesterday. I have passed on the good news to them.

It is a pleasure to have been part of this 75th year event, jump-starting it with my Kidist Foods Expanded Project  presentation on January 14, 2023 at the Sandford Alumni Reunion in Addis Ababa, and also its first in Addis Ababa. The little ten-year-old girl from my presentation would surely have been impressed (she was a hard sell!).

I met some wonderful students at the 75th Anniversary celebration, including Herani, who gave the moving and intelligent presentation in the auditorium. I discussed with her my Kidist Foods Expanded Project ideas, and ways to include Sandford's students. We will get Mihiretab on board, who met me at my presentation in January, holding my Kidist Foods Expanded Project flyer in his hand as he told me of his enthusiasm for the project! And we will include others, through the student-initiated (Creative, Action, Service) (CAS) extracurricular program. The Kidist Foods Expanded Project can fit in all three categories!

I have posted the two photos of the event that impressed me on my Kidist Foods site. One is of a little boy who read his eloquent piece on being a student at Sandford's during the student presentations in the main hall, and the second is of children surrounding the delicious 75th Anniversary cake in the auditorium building. I have also attached the photos.

All the best,
Kidist Paulos Asrat

Young student, who read his eloquent piece on 
being a student at Sandford
[Photo By: KPA]

Young Students Waiting to Cut the Cake!
[Photo By: KPA]


Shem Odhiambo Agunga <>,,,,,,,, 
Mon, May 29 at 3:57 AM

Dear Kidist,
Thank you very much for your warm email with kind words for the 75th anniversary celebrations. Indeed it was successful because you were part of it. We hope and look forward to further engagement with you and the alumni association. A school that celebrates its past in the present to shape the future is lucky.

Please keep in touch with us.

Warmest regards,

Shem Agunga

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To:Shem Odhiambo Agunga,,,,,,,, 

Mon, May 29 at 6:30 AM

Thank you!

I had a wonderful re-introduction to Sandford in January, and I am forever thankful that the alum assoc. gave me that great opportunity.

But, I am happy to say, that I come as an independent alumna now!

I look forward to working with Sandford in the capacity of my projects, including my beloved Kidist Foods Expanded Project (dedicated to my aunts, my mother and my grandmothers), and my many arts and cultural projects, which you can view here (linked below), recorded in my websites. If you remember from my January presentation, I am both a scientist and an artist (a little like Chekhov! - please bear with my humour).

Site designed by Kidist Paulos Asrat